beer enthusiasts all across Iowa have been waiting for this moment for what seems an eternity, myself included. no need to fill the trunk of your car with six packs when you head out of state on vacation anymore, for New Belgium Brewing has finally begun distributing in our fine state.
i can't remember when it was that i first had a Fat Tire or a Sunshine Wheat, but i think it was probably sometime around 1994, possibly while on Dead Tour. i remember how exotic it all seemed to me then, particularly the fancy bottles and elaborate designs on the labels. since then, i think i've tried nearly all of their brews and can say without exaggeration that they consistently brew some of the very best beer in the nation. my personal favorites are the Sunshine Wheat and the Abbey Belgian Ale.
for the first few months they're only selling a few varieties, and only in the "bomber" (22 oz) bottles. the Fat Tire bottles have a special Iowa-related label that reads, "FIGBRAI", or Fat Inaugural Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, a reference to RAGBRAI. soon, though, they will begin carrying a greater selection of the beers, including six packs, cases and kegs. hooray!
R.I.P. Michael Jackson, (1942-2007). i raise my glass to thee.

oh, and extra points to the first person who can correctly guess the (specific) location of the first picture.
I think the photograph is a hops tree in Belgium, not sure about a specific location. The photo pays homage to the bike trip that Jeff took, biking from brewery to brewery across Belgium.
-Jim Polston-
Please help Jay, what is the specific location?
no, I meant the location the photo was taken. you should get this one.
Nope, surprisingly it's not.
Fitzy's would be my guess. -JP-
Nope, it's the Deadwood. Thanks for playing along though.
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