here's a pic of the latest batch of tomatoes from the massive garden we maintained this year. we planted seventeen tomato plants, a mix of heirloom and non, six thai chili plants and two habaƱero plants. the first frost of the year will inevitably come sometime very soon, so we're probably nearing the end of garden season, sadly. the farmer's market is still going strong though. and then there's the dozen or so jars of tomatoes we canned a while back, just waiting in the basement for their time to shine. how nice will it be to crack one of those babies open this winter when everyone else has to make due with the stuff from the supermarket? very nice, that's how.
I will be very jealous in the Winter when I have to eat tomatoes from the store that taste like watermelon rind and you have the good stuff.
You know, that watermelon rind comparison is pretty apt, isn't it. How they can call those sickly looking orange things you buy in the store tomatoes is beyond me. If you don't have a stash of jars in the basement, I think it's usually better to go with the canned ones (unless you must have fresh). Then you're stuck with the plastic-y ones I guess.
The cheese monger in our neighborhood has been educating me on fine tomatoes...and we are now onto a vein of high quality outdoor organic tomatoes from Palo Alto. Horray for fall!!!
Sorry that we missed you in IC. We heard that you were gone (from Marty).
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