Here you can see the planter in question, with The Saloon in the background:

And here you can see one of Mondanaro's other restaurants, Givanni's, directly opposite The Saloon:

As you can see, the two areas possess their own unique atmosphere. The former is a public green space (albeit more actual plants would be nice), available for anyone to enjoy, free of charge. The latter space no longer functions as a public area. And, when the restaurant is closed, in essence serves as a storage area (or, more accurately, pile) for patio furniture.
As a resident of Iowa City and frequent patron of the Ped Mall, the precedent this would set really bothers me. As myself and others have argued, the Pedestrian Mall, essentially the main public forum for residents of Iowa City, is an area where we can all sit and enjoy ourselves, free of charge. The issue isn't about what percentage of sales from the Saloon come from alcohol vs. food, or how nice the area might look (as Mondanaro has suggested). The issue is about losing part of this public "forum", the heart of Iowa City, to the private business interests of one man.
If you care to voice your opinion on this issue, please come to the Downtown Association Public Form at 3:30-5:30 on Wednesday, August 1st. The meeting will be held at the Iowa City Chamber of Commerce, 325 E. Washington St. (across from The Picador).
I graduated from the U of I in 1995 and have fond memories of the ped mall and the potential it has. I can remember a time when there were many retail stores in the ped mail where people would shop and congregate outside. Coral Ridge Sprawl put an end to that. Even the hollowed hall mall was in a sorry state the last time I was there. It saddens me to see someone trying to push out what little green space there is to put in an extention of their business. Hopefully the people of IC will speak up to put an end to this biz cutting down on public space.
cheers to that!
did you attend the meeting on Wednesday? What was the outcome. Curious minds want to know.
Yes, I did attend the meeting Wednesday. I was, from what I can tell, the only non-business owner present. Instead of a debate over whether or not this is a good idea, it instead turned into a bitch session between the various parties about how they can all get their share of the pie. It was like watching a bunch of spoiled rich kids squabbling over a ball or something.
Mondanaro sat there trying to convince everyone present that this will be a "step forward" for downtown Iowa City and that, presently, the Ped Mall needs to be saved. He kept saying something about wanting to promote "diversity" through this project. How he comes to the conclusion that his mini food court is going to promote any sort of diversity is beyond me. Then, about half way through Mondo's spiel, the moderator asks if anyone has questions. Leah Coen (owner of Bo James) asked something about alcohol vs food (irrelevant) and then said something like, "well, I was against it before, but now I'm all for it." And she was about the most dissenting ICDA member there.
Then a bunch of other ICDA members spent a few minutes kissing Mondo's ass and Marc Moen comes in and kisses his ass. Then some other dude, Tom Lepic I think, kisses Moen's ass and then I threw up a little in my mouth.
After all of this, I asked Mondo if I would be able to sit at one of his tables and not patronize his restaurant (like I can do now in that space). He basically says yes, as long as it is outside of normal business hours. Then Marc Moen says something like, "well, there shouldn't be people sitting in those planters anyway." Then a bunch of other greedy pricks kiss some more ass and then I leave.
As far as the outcome of the special City Council meeting yesterday? Well, I guess we lost. "We" being anyone who isn't Jim Mondanaro or one of his Saloon customers. Yeah, that's the way it goes in Iowa City these days. Maybe you should be thankful you moved away.
I'll try and post pics of Jim's Food Court #2 when it gets built. Stay tuned for that.
I figured it would turn out to be this way, but good try in your part.
From the PC article: "I think the biggest objection people had was that they didn't undestand the proposal," Gustaveson said.
I'm a little out of touch with iowa city nowadays, but wasn't anyone else, besides you, the least bit concerned that 1. it's taking away the limited green space the ped mall enjoys and 2. it's cutting down on public space and sets the precidence for more of the same with the other biz owners.
Where did the liberal, ped and bicycle focused downtown Iowa City I knew and loved disappear to? Did it get bought and sold when the ped mall stores were deserted for the suburban mall?
I think the biggest problem is that so few people even knew about it in the first place. Also, it seems like very few people really take the time to show up to city council meetings and stuff like that. I'll admit that it's usually a pain in the ass going to them and most of it is quite boring, but it has to be done. As progressive as Iowa City seems, the Iowa City Council certainly is not. They generally represent the interests of business owners first and foremost.
Unequivocally, excellent answer
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