Tuesday, March 20, 2007

log 1

and so it begins. i have decided to begin an Iowa City-related photo blog. as far as i know, none such blog exists as of yet, though i could of course be wrong. the inspiration for this is mostly from the demise of the wonderful OIFS blog, put out by good ol' Jim. i won't pretend that this will be as good as that, only that it is what it is. i plan to upload new pics as i have time, possibly accompanied by some brilliant and/or witty remarks on my part. seriously though, i think we should all just be satisfied with the pics. here are a few to get us going.

i picked up a few new cycles over the weekend. what can i say? i'm just feelin' the pink and celeste green lately. the first is a '91 Cannondale SR600 and the other is a pristine Bianchi Brava of unknown year. together, they cost $250. thank you, craigslist! oh yeah.......i realize this post doesn't really have anything to do with Iowa City per se, so you can just keep your snarky-ass comments to yourself.


Martois said...

Schwixxy looks Quicksy

Brian said...

Mike D...

You were supposed to come out to Tahoe and rip it with me. What are you up to this weekend?

Anonymous said...


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