and so it begins. i have decided to begin an Iowa City-related photo blog. as far as i know, none such blog exists as of yet, though i could of course be wrong. the inspiration for this is mostly from the demise of the wonderful OIFS blog, put out by good ol' Jim. i won't pretend that this will be as good as that, only that it is what it is. i plan to upload new pics as i have time, possibly accompanied by some brilliant and/or witty remarks on my part. seriously though, i think we should all just be satisfied with the pics. here are a few to get us going.

i picked up a few new cycles over the weekend. what can i say? i'm just feelin' the pink and celeste green lately. the first is a '91 Cannondale SR600 and the other is a pristine Bianchi Brava of unknown year. together, they cost $250. thank you, craigslist! oh yeah.......i realize this post doesn't really have anything to do with Iowa City per se, so you can just keep your snarky-ass comments to yourself.